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"FILE"="Xteq Systems X-Setup Plugin 5.0" "TYPE"="9" "OSVERSION"="00101" "COUNT"="1" "UIPATH"="System\File System\Windows 9x/ME Options\Misc" "NAME"="Low Disk Space" "VERSION"="2.10" "LANGUAGE"="VBScript" "TEXT 1"="Low Disk Space 2" "DESCRIPTION 1"="You can disable Low Disk Space Notification & Auto running Disk Cleanup on one or more of your drives, by putting a checkmark by one or more of the drives on your system. This is especially useful on systems with consistently low disk space." "DESCRIPTION 2"="For further information see MSKB article: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q188/0/74.asp." "AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems" "CONTACTURL"="http://www.xteq.com" "COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved" "COMMENT 1"="Thanks to Axcel216 [axcel216@aol.com] for the settings." "COMMENT 2"="Thanks to Neil Turner [totalxs@hotmail.com] for turning this into a checked listbox plug-in." "COMMENT 3"=" if (i-8192)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(14,true), i=i-8292, end if, should be (8292/8192)" "COMMENT 4"=" if (i-8192)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(14,true), i=i-8192, end if" "COMMENT 5"="sP should be only sP="HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\" "COMMENT 6"="Above fixes done by Tomas [tomas@default.cz] - thanks for that!" 'sP="HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\DisableLowDiskSpaceBroadcast" sP="HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\" sV="DisableLowDiskSpaceBroadcast" i=0 Sub Plugin_Initialize Call SetUIElement(1,"Disable on drive A:\") Call SetUIElement(2,"Disable on drive B:\") Call SetUIElement(3,"Disable on drive C:\") Call SetUIElement(4,"Disable on drive D:\") Call SetUIElement(5,"Disable on drive E:\") Call SetUIElement(6,"Disable on drive F:\") Call SetUIElement(7,"Disable on drive G:\") Call SetUIElement(8,"Disable on drive H:\") Call SetUIElement(9,"Disable on drive I:\") Call SetUIElement(10,"Disable on drive J:\") Call SetUIElement(11,"Disable on drive K:\") Call SetUIElement(12,"Disable on drive L:\") Call SetUIElement(13,"Disable on drive M:\") Call SetUIElement(14,"Disable on drive N:\") Call SetUIElement(15,"Disable on drive O:\") Call SetUIElement(16,"Disable on drive P:\") Call SetUIElement(17,"Disable on drive Q:\") Call SetUIElement(18,"Disable on drive R:\") Call SetUIElement(19,"Disable on drive S:\") Call SetUIElement(20,"Disable on drive T:\") Call SetUIElement(21,"Disable on drive U:\") Call SetUIElement(22,"Disable on drive V:\") Call SetUIElement(23,"Disable on drive W:\") Call SetUIElement(24,"Disable on drive X:\") Call SetUIElement(25,"Disable on drive Y:\") Call SetUIElement(26,"Disable on drive Z:\") i=RegReadValue(sP&sV) if IsEmpty(i)=true then 'No drives hidden - don't read anything (TeXHeX - 'hidden' has 2 d's :) else 'not empty - check if wrong datatype if len(i)>0 and IsNumeric(i)=true then if i=0 then 'no drives hidden else 'drives hidden -> read it Call SetUI() end if else 'wrong datatype!!! ignore it! end if end if End Sub Sub SetUI 'Arg! We got to calculate!!! if (i-33554432)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(26,true) i=i-33554432 end if if (i-16777216)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(25,true) i=i-16777216 end if if (i-8388608)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(24,true) i=i-8388608 end if if (i-4194304)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(23,true) i=i-4194304 end if if (i-2097152)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(22,true) i=i-2097152 end if if (i-1048576)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(21,true) i=i-1048576 end if if (i-524288)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(20,true) i=i-524288 end if if (i-262144)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(19,true) i=i-262144 end if if (i-131072)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(18,true) i=i-131072 end if if (i-65536)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(17,true) i=i-65536 end if if (i-32768)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(16,true) i=i-32768 end if if (i-16384)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(15,true) i=i-16384 end if if (i-8192)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(14,true) i=i-8192 end if if (i-4096)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(13,true) i=i-4096 end if if (i-2048)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(12,true) i=i-2048 end if if (i-1024)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(11,true) i=i-1024 end if if (i-512)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(10,true) i=i-512 end if if (i-256)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(9,true) i=i-256 end if if (i-128)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(8,true) i=i-128 end if if (i-64)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(7,true) i=i-64 end if if (i-32)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(6,true) i=i-32 end if if (i-16)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(5,true) i=i-16 end if if (i-8)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(4,true) i=i-8 end if if (i-4)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(3,true) i=i-4 end if if (i-2)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(2,true) i=i-2 end if if (i-1)>=0 then Call SetUIElementEx(1,true) end if End Sub Sub Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex) End Sub Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex) i=0 if GetUIElementEx(1)=true then i=i+1 if GetUIElementEx(2)=true then i=i+2 if GetUIElementEx(3)=true then i=i+4 if GetUIElementEx(4)=true then i=i+8 if GetUIElementEx(5)=true then i=i+16 if GetUIElementEx(6)=true then i=i+32 if GetUIElementEx(7)=true then i=i+64 if GetUIElementEx(8)=true then i=i+128 if GetUIElementEx(9)=true then i=i+256 if GetUIElementEx(10)=true then i=i+512 if GetUIElementEx(11)=true then i=i+1024 if GetUIElementEx(12)=true then i=i+2048 if GetUIElementEx(13)=true then i=i+4096 if GetUIElementEx(14)=true then i=i+8192 if GetUIElementEx(15)=true then i=i+16384 if GetUIElementEx(16)=true then i=i+32768 if GetUIElementEx(17)=true then i=i+65536 if GetUIElementEx(18)=true then i=i+131072 if GetUIElementEx(19)=true then i=i+262144 if GetUIElementEx(20)=true then i=i+524288 if GetUIElementEx(21)=true then i=i+1048576 if GetUIElementEx(22)=true then i=i+2097152 if GetUIElementEx(23)=true then i=i+4194304 if GetUIElementEx(24)=true then i=i+8388608 if GetUIElementEx(25)=true then i=i+16777216 if GetUIElementEx(26)=true then i=i+33554432 Call RegWriteValue(sP & sV,i,2) End Sub Sub Plugin_Terminate End Sub